The recipe file index is in Tea.for.Two. A translation of food names from English to Japanese is found in food.names.

Recipes are found in the following blogspot sites: (1) appetizers.&.snacks, (2) beef, (3) beverages.&.drinks
(4) breads.&.muffins, (5) casseroles.&.stews (6), (7) cups.of.tea, (8) eggs.&.cheese,
(9) fish.&.seafood, (10) fruit, (11), (12) pasta.&.noodles, (13) pork, (14) poultry, (15) rice,
(16), (17) soups.&.salads, (18) sweets.&.treats, (19) tofu, (20) vegetables.

Lastly, cooking and household tips are in this-n-that.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kanazawa Prefecture style dessert

Kanazawa style dessert

Each area of Japan has their own seasonal favorites for dessert.

This is one of the winter favorites of Kanazawa Prefecture in Japan.

It is not difficult to make. It is beautiful to look at and delicious to taste.

Thanks for stopping by
and God Bless,
hugs, Chris


more later...